Copilot Consulting

There are 500,000 to 1 million books released every year. How will you make yours stand out?

If you’ve searched the internet for advice on publishing, you’ve probably seen a lot of conflicting and frustrating information out there. Some of it is biased, because the sources are trying to sell you a particular product or service. Some of it is murky, because the industry is just plain difficult to break into. The process of finding an agent alone can sometimes take years—as does getting a book deal and then actually publishing it. And trying to self-publish without any guidance whatsoever is a surefire way to doom your book to obscurity. We can help. Here’s how.

Publishing Consultation & Strategy

If you are ready to move your book forward but aren’t sure what your next step should be, what level of support to seek out, or what publishing path is best for you, then a publishing consultation and strategy session with industry veterans can give you clarity and peace of mind.

Blending our experience working in Big Five traditional, indie, and hybrid publishing, we offer transparent and supportive consultations to help you find the best publishing path for your book, answer the burning questions about the industry that are keeping you stuck, and identify the best next step you should take to accomplish your goals.

This session includes:

  • Review of your sample or submission materials. (You will receive a questionnaire to fill out ahead of time.)

  • 60-minute session with Eva Avery and Jenn Jensen, where we will provide feedback on materials and advice on the various publishing paths. 

  • An “agent pitch pack” with top agency recommendations and sample query letters. 

  • Introductions to our favorite hybrid publishers. 

  • Option to add on additional sessions at a pro-rate of $200 per session. 

Proposal Development

When we worked at traditional publishing houses, we reviewed huge stacks of book proposals every week. We know exactly what agents and publishers are looking for—and what will get tossed right into the slush pile.

So if you want to catch their attention, this package offers:

  • Marketing and editorially informed positioning and titling. 

  • 1 Team meeting to discuss your vision and brainstorm ideas.

  • 4 Editorial coaching sessions with Eva.

  • 1 Marketing coaching session with Jenn.

  • A fully developed book proposal with edited sample chapters. 

  • An “agent pitch pack” with top agency recommendations and sample query letters. 

The Big Leap Book-Planning Program & Retreat

Tired of emails and Zoom meetings? Let’s plan your book in person—which is way faster and more fun! In partnership with Maggie Langrick, founder and publisher of Wonderwell Press, this immersive 8-week book-planning program includes a 4-night luxury retreat, allowing you to get away from the day-to-day grind in beautiful, private accommodations, where our team will lovingly facilitate your “Big Leap” into making the book in your heart a reality.

Getting hands-on, real-time guidance from an award-winning publisher, a world-class editor, and a book marketing specialist all at once is a rare opportunity that will put you on the fast track to completing a comprehensive, professional book proposal and publishing plan, ready to pitch traditional publishers, self-publish, or get started with a hybrid publisher.

The retreat includes:

  • Focused instructional sessions on everything from building your author platform to positioning your book in the market to choosing a great title and publishing path.

  • One-on-one collaboration on your content with our team.

  • Writing exercises.

  • Mindset coaching and emotional support for the journey ahead.

  • Four nights’ private, high-end accommodation.

  • Delicious, healthy meals and snacks.

  • Indulgent relaxation activities and a true retreat experience.